Brads, brads, and more brads!!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

I remember when brads were The "IT" embellishment! I have an entire drawer filled with them.  One time, I went to Tuesday Morning and got almost every collection of Basic Grey brads for $1.99 a set.  Now, I rarely use brads on a page.  It's simply easier to place a small wood veneer or enamel dots in a place you would have previously added a brad.
But, I was up for a challenge.  A layout where I could ONLY use brads as an embellishment and I must say, I am happy with the result!

I did cut this swiss cheese looking circle with my silhouette to use as a guide on my page.  Then, I got to work opening all of these brads from a variety of collections.

This layout has somewhere around fifty brads on it and it was quite gratifying to get
them used. I challenge you to find a product you have a lot of and use as many as possible on one page.  Share a picture in the comments below.  Happy scrapping!


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