12x12 Paper Storage Tip

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Good morning!  Do you ever buy 12x12 papers because you think the B side would make an excellent base for a layout?  I know I do.  For the most part, I tend to use white or grey cardstock as a base to my layouts, but there are other patterns I reach for quite often.  I love a good woodgrain in any shade as well as stripes.  Here are a few examples of papers I save for background use.

As you can see, they tend to be very neutral allowing for the photo and journaling to be the focus.  Below, are pictures of the A sides of the very same papers.

As you can see, there are some very attractive patterns here.  For me, I often have the 6x6 papers for these papers and can use those for pops of color and interest on my page.  Also, if I really like a paper, both A and B side I tend to buy 2 of the same one.  Here is the key for me however.  I store anything I want to use as a background paper on a separate shelf than all of my other papers.  No matter how I choose to sort (i.e. by brand, color, collection and so on), I put all of my potential background papers on the same shelf.
Here is where I store all of my 12x12 papers in my craft room. When I am ready to make a layout, my first step is always to have a look through that upper right hand shelf to see if anything sparks my interest for a background.  Do you have another way of storing papers?  Let me know in the comments below.  Happy Scrapping!


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