Using your scraps

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Hi guys...I'm wondering if I am the only one that has a plastic storage container in their craftroom with paper scraps? This is where I put any paper I only used a portion of and is housed right next to my desk.  I reach for it a great deal to back photos or when working on smaller projects, such as cardmaking.

I like that the plastic is see through and opens fairly wide.  It is easy to sort through when I need to pick out a paper for use. However, when it gets this full I know I need to create some projects to lessen the bulk.

One of the easiest ways to I find to do this is to create layouts that are embellishment light and paper heavy.  Below, is an 8.5x11 layout I made using the scraps in a starburst pattern.

Some of the scraps were smaller than others, so I placed my starburst pattern off set low and to the right to account for the lack of materials. I then used my sewing machine to add some texture to each starburst.
My final trick was to find a larger sized embellishment in my stash to cover any jagged strips of paper.

Hope you all enjoyed this layout and it gave you ideas of how to use your scraps.  More to come...


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